Good & Services

Good & Services

PT KIKC strives to increase company value supported by experience and a professional workforce along with modern digitalization that makes business easier. PT KIKC, apart from carrying out its main business, also optimizes the use of its resources to produce something of high quality and strong competitiveness. PT KIKC supplies skilled workers every year for PT Pupuk Kujang's Annual Repair (PERTA), 88 non-organic workers at PT Pupuk Kujang, 49 non-organic workers at PT Pupuk Indonesia, and non-organic workers at PT Pupuk Indonesia Utility as many as 2 people.

Then, one form of business activity carried out by PT KIKC in the field of selling services is as an organizer of Meeting Incentive Convention and Exhibition (MICE), where PT KIKC has experience in organizing corporate events carried out by PT Pupuk Kujang, PT Pupuk Sriwijaya, and also Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company.